Bullying and Harassment
On alternative pages you can find information for Stalking and Online Safety
ACAS - Sexual Harassment in the Workplace
Information from ACAS on sexual harassment in any workplace, what it is and how to make a complaint.
Anti-Bullying Programme
Online resource centre for young people, parents and educators.
Bullies Out
Information and support for young people, parents, school, employees and employers
ChildLine provide support and counselling for anyone up to the age of 18. ChildLine can discuss anything of concern.
Helpline: 0800 11 11 (lines open 24 hours everyday)
1-2-1 chat (online 24 hours everyday)
Childline - Racial Bullying
Information on what is racism and what to do if you’re a young person experiencing racial bullying.
Citizens Advice – Harassment at Work
Information on types of harassment and bullying in the workplace and what to do about it.
Department For Education
Information to assist schools with prevention and response to bullying.
Education Support Partnership
Counselling, information and support for everyone working in education.
Supportline: UK - 08000 562 561 (lines open 24 hours)
Email: support@edsupport.org.uk
Family Lives - Bullying UK
Bullying UK offer information on all types of bullying including workplace, school and via text messages.
Parent Helpline: 0808 800 222 (lines open: Monday – Friday 9am -9pm, Weekends 10am -3pm)
Family Lives - Homophobic Bullying
Family Lives - Racist Bullying
Film + TV Charity
Support and advice for anyone working in film and TV and experiencing harassment or bullying in the workplace.
Gov.uk – Bullying at school
Information from the Government about the legal position of school bullying, includes what schools and the police need to do and how to report it.
Gov.UK – Workplace bullying
Offering information on harassment and bullying in the workplace.
Offering advice to parents, carers and professionals about anti-bullying and child safety advice. Further information is available to download online.
Samaritans are available to listen to anyone who is distressed.
Helpline: 116 123 (lines open 24 hours) This new number is free and does not appear on phone bills
Email: jo@samaritans.org
If you’re experiencing a personal crisis and need support to cope.
Text Shout to 85258.
Stonewall - Homophobic Bullying
Stonewall toolkits and resources for tackling homophobic bullying in schools and colleges.
Supportline provides telephone support for any problems including bullying and cyber-bullying. Helpline: 01708 765 200 (lines open Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 6pm – 8pm)
Email: info@supportline.org.uk
True Vision
Information on hate crime and how to report it.