
Blind and Visual Impairment including Deaf Blind

Updated: 17.07.2024

British Blind Sport

British Blind Sport ensure visually impaired people have access and enjoy sport and recreational activities.

British Blind Football 

The Royal National College for the Blind provides opportunity for football players to develop their game through expert coaching, helping to produce players that can compete at national and international levels. Also participating in the National Visually Impaired Football League which has monthly fixtures. 

Guide Dogs 

Support services for children, young people and their families from Guide Dogs. 

Moorfields Hospital 

Moorfields are a specialist eye hospital based in London, further information about their services can be found online.

NHS - Childhood Cataracts 

Information on cataracts in babies and children. 

NHS - Cornea Transplant 

Information about Cornea Transplants. 

NHS - Eye Tests for Children 

Information on the routine eye tests offered to newborn babies and children. 

Retina UK 

Providing information and support for those affected by inherited progressive sight loss.
Helpline: 0300 111 4000 (lines open Monday – Friday 9.30am – 9.30pm)
Email: helpline@retinauk.org.uk 

Royal National Institute for Blind People - RNIB 

RNIB offer practical support and advice to anyone with a sight problem.
Helpline: 0303 123 9999 or say Alexa, call RNIB Helpline (lines open Monday – Friday 8am – 8pm, Saturday 9am – 1pm)
Email: helpline@rnib.org.uk  or say Alexa, call RNIB Helpline

The Amber Trust 

Providing musical opportunities for blind and partially sighted children, including those with more complex needs.
Email: contact@ambertrust.org 

Usher Syndrome 

Information and support for Usher Syndrome from Sense, a condition that causes hearing loss, sight loss and balance problems. 
Email: info@sense.org.uk