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  • 16 Jun 2024

    Cathy Newman: A major security operation is underway in Hamburg after German police shot and injured a man who threatened them with a pickaxe and an explosive device. He was close to a group of football fans who were gathering for the Euro 2024 Netherlands v Poland match this afternoon. Warning: distressing content

  • Cathy Newman: An independent health think tank has accused both the Conservatives and Labour of setting out unrealistic funding for NHS England in their manifestos. The Nuffield Trust said the Conservative and Labour proposals represented an unprecedented slowdown in NHS finances. Separately, Labour came under further scrutiny for a lack of explicit funding for social…

  • The Shadow Health Secretary has criticised a Labour peer for calling candidate Rosie Duffield “frit or lazy” after she pulled out of local hustings citing safety concerns. Lord Cashman has now apologised for the comments but the security of politicians has become an increasingly serious issue. It’s a phenomenon that is spreading across Europe with…

  • Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has criticised the army for its decision to pause its military offensive along the main road in southern Gaza. The Israel Defence Forces have said the daily ‘tactical pause’ will be observed between 8 in the morning and 7 at night, to allow desperately needed aid in through the Kerem…

  • The election campaign rumbles on with the polls continuing to show a Labour majority as the likeliest outcome. To get a sense of public opinion we’ve been deep into the traditional Tory heartlands of East Sussex to board the historic Bluebell railway.

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