It’s the non-work programme, charity says
The government’s work programme isn’t working, according to a leading disability charity, which predicts a success rate of a maximum of 12 per cent.
Boris Johnson’s environment strategy has been billed as a “green industrial revolution”. But only a quarter of the £12bn of government spending announced this week is really new money.
Labour MP Angela Eagle, former shadow business secretary whose Merseyside constituency includes many workers at the Vauxhall plant, and Lord Howard, former leader of the Conservative party.
For a shade under £2bn, French car makers Peugeot have snapped up General Motors’ loss-making European business, including Britain’s Vauxhall.
Jobs bonanza or cost of living crisis? You be the judge – with a little help from FactCheck.
The government’s work programme isn’t working, according to a leading disability charity, which predicts a success rate of a maximum of 12 per cent.
The number of temps and part-timers who said they had been forced to take work of that nature after failing to find permanent or full-time work have all risen significantly.
It’s less of a jobs market, more of a jobs battlefield for Channel 4’s Class of 2012. Faisal Islam takes 10 insights from an event bringing job seekers, CEOs and politicians together.
An “administrative error” leads to the home office advertising for 400 more jobs than they had intended to, on the day of an ongoing row between the unions and the department in which strike action was narrowly averted. FactCheck investigates.
Matt Frei blogs on how most recent dismal jobs figures spell trouble for Barack Obama’s re-election.
Mark Goldstone from Leeds Chamber of Commerce tells Channel 4 News why the city is at risk of a ‘skills drain’ to London if businesses don’t create new jobs.
James Ramsbotham, NECC chief executive tells Channel 4 News that while unemployment is still high, the north east export rate is almost twice that of the UK average, providing some reasons to be cheerful.
Graham Morgan, South Wales Chamber of Commerce director tells Channel 4 News that exports are the answer – but it will take a lot to offset public sector cuts in the region.
Stuart Patrick from Glasgow Chamber of Commerce tells Channel 4 News that renewables and trade provide hope for jobs in the Scottish city.
Ann McGregor, NI Chamber of Commerce Chief Executive, outlines the Chamber’s plan to create 94,000 jobs by 2020 – andexplains why training and support for young people is key to the region’s growth.
Carole Crosby Liverpool Chamber of Commerce deputy chief executive, tells Channel 4 News that companies are expecting to recruit within the next three months – and why a government enterprise scheme has been such a success.