Bribery at the heart of Megrahi's Lockerbie conviction?
Diaries from the Lockerbie bomb investigation “make a blistering allegation”, blogs Jon Snow, who asks why the apparent “dynamite revelations” from the case have not been uncovered before now.
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Channel 4 looks at the timeline of events leading from the Lockerbie bombing to the death of Abdul Basset al-Megrahi
Reports say that Libyan intelligence officer Abdel Basset al-Megrahi, the man convicted of the 1988 Lockerbie plane bombing has died of cancer at the age of 60.
In what he says are his “last days or weeks” left alive, Abdel Basset al-Megrahi, convicted of the 1988 Lockerbie bombing, says his role in the attack has been greatly exaggerated.
The man convicted of the 1988 bombing of a Pan Am flight, Abdel Baset al-Megrahi has reportedly been found in an unconscious state in Tripoli, clinging to life by an oxygen and fluid drip.
Diaries from the Lockerbie bomb investigation “make a blistering allegation”, blogs Jon Snow, who asks why the apparent “dynamite revelations” from the case have not been uncovered before now.
David Cameron has just told PBS radio in Washington that the Megrahi release was “not a BP decision” but “the decision of British ministers” (by which he means Scottish ministers). He has revisited his initial decision to turn down a late request from four US senators to meet up and discuss the Lockerbie bomber’s release…
The Lockerbie bomber released by the Scottish government on compassionate grounds had three months to live. Eleven months on, he is still alive – prompting a fierce debate over his early release.
The most interesting line in Gordon Brown’s statement today was the most gnomic. “Were we right to spell out to ourselves the consequences of both eventualities, whether it was a Scottish decision for his release or for him remaining in prison? Yes – to have failed to have done so… would’ve been failing in our…
Over the summer, the fog of ‘conspiracy’, ‘commercial deals’ and more have clouded around the fundamentals of what we know about the ‘early release’ of the convicted Libyan ‘Lockerbie bomber’. I’ll be surprised if today’s release by Edinburgh and London of the ‘Lockerbie papers’ dispels the clouds significantly.
It’s been one of those days that feels like a month. I can hardly remember this morning. This afternoon will stay with me though. At 4.30pm I met the Lockerbie bomber. It looked to me as though Abdel Basset al-Megrahi wasn’t long for this world. If he was going to face sentencing “by a higher power,”…
Channel 4 News has spoken to the Lockerbie bomber Abdel Basset al-Megrahi in his Libyan hospital room and has these exclusive images.
The first Scottish opinion poll shows 42% of voters approve of Scottish Justice Secretary Kenny MacAskill’s decision to let Mr al-Megrahi go home.
The Justice Secretary Jack Straw, at a Guardian seminar, has implied that he would not have gone to visit Mr al-Megrahi in prison if the decision had been his. It’s a nudge towards criticism of the Scottish Justice Secretary Kenny MacAskill, going slightly further than other Cabinet ministers have dared to go in public. There…
Gordon Brown appears at No 10 with Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu, but does not budge on Lockerbie bomber release.
The Scottish Parliament looks set to debate the Lockerbie bomber release on Wednesday morning of next week, but the SNP will not face a no confidence vote.