It’s June tomorrow. Any signs of summer weather?
With the calendar page about to flip over into June, are there any signs of prolonged warmth and sunshine?
With the calendar page about to flip over into June, are there any signs of prolonged warmth and sunshine?
After last week’s wintry spell, summer-like warmth is on the way this week!
It’s warm in the spring sunshine at the moment, but colder weather may return for Easter.
After a wintry start to March, it looks like it’ll feel much more like spring next week.
If you’re hoping for spring to spring in March, then you may be disappointed.
Early snow falls in Germany, but with a chill in the air in the UK, can we expect the same?
Once again, a bank holiday weekend lies ahead (except in Scotland) and most of us will be hoping that the relentless rain of the past week will ease.
Our first proper burst of summer heat is about to arrive. How hot will it get and for how long?
The lack of warmth so far this summer may be compensated by a sizzling start to July, with hints from weather computer models that temperatures will soar for a time next week.
The howling of the wind and pounding of the rain last night were more reminiscent of a night in October, rather than June. But are we really in for a heatwave later this week?
Today, the Met Office announced that we’ve just had the sunniest April on record, with 212 hours of sunshine across the UK – seven hours more than the previous record, set in 1942.
Near record-breaking cold was experienced in Northern Ireland last night. Is the recent sunshine and warmth going to return anytime soon?
On Tuesday and Wednesday, southern parts of the UK will experience levels of warmth that wouldn’t look out of place on a summer’s day, let alone spring.
When spring has sprung, pictures do a much better job than words of telling the story, so I thought I’d gather some images that will definitely put a spring in your step!
Where will it be sunniest? How warm will it be? Everything you need to know about this weekend’s weather.