12 Feb 2014

#WT4? Watch our new interactive show with Alex Brooker

On Monday 17 February, Channel 4 News launches a new online show where you ask the questions. Our first guest is Alex Brooker from The Jump and The Last Leg, ahead of the Sochi Winter Paralympics.

WATCH LIVE HERE and use hashtag #WT4 to ask a question

We know you’ve watched the news and shouted at the TV: “I could ask better questions than that!” Well, now you can.

Channel 4 News is launching a new interactive programme, What the Four?

We are going to let viewers and followers take over the agenda and ask the questions via social media and our website.

Our first guest is Alex Brooker – you’ll know him from the Channel 4 shows The Jump and The Last Leg, as well as his time reporting on the London 2012 Paralympic Games.

Alex Brooker (Getty)

He’s rapped with Tinie Tempah, starved himself in the name of getting a perfect body on the “cayenne pepper” diet, and apparently once said “booyah” on TV – and still hates himself for it.

We think he’ll be talking about sport, the Winter Paralympics in Sochi in a couple of weeks, not walking on eggshells around disabled people and what it was like to watch a bunch of celebrities hurl themselves down slopes in the name of entertainment – but that’s up to you. What do you want to hear?

To get your voice heard, send in your questions and take part in the live debate on Monday 17 February at 1pm use the hashtag #WT4 on Twitter and watch this space.