Susan Rice: another victim of the Washington game
Why did Susan Rice pull out of consideration as America’s next secretary of state? Was she too strident, too forceful – or did she simply fail to play the Machiavellian game of Washington politics?
Which would you rather fight: one horse-sized duck, or a hundred duck-sized horses? A new book reveals President Obama’s staff seriously debated the question after a no-holds-barred online Q and A.
Why did Susan Rice pull out of consideration as America’s next secretary of state? Was she too strident, too forceful – or did she simply fail to play the Machiavellian game of Washington politics?
It’s now legal to possess marijuana in Washington state – but what about the rest of the US? Stoners are urging President Obama to take up the cause.
Nate Silver, who predicted with a 90.0 per cent certainty that Barack Obama would win the recent US presidential election, is on Channel 4 News tonight. Have you got any questions?
“We had no message and we gave it to the worst communicator in the world”, said one aide. As the defeat sinks in, the Republicans’ search for blame begins.
What used to be a broad church has become a schismatic one and after Mitt Romney’s defeat civil war could be looming for the Republicans.
“Tonight you voted for action, not politics as usual” Obama told supporters last night – pledging to break the partisan gridlock which has paralysed Washington. But can he really change things?
This time it was cash, grind, and grit that delivered victory against a tough economic background and a strong sense of broken promises
His place in history is already assured – but can a greyer, wiser Barack Obama, less crushed by expectation, finally live up to his promise as president?
A remarkable day culminating in a win for Barack Obama, but can the president create real change? Jon Snow blogs from Washington DC.
Relief, excitement, joy and hope – Channel 4 News talks to British-based Democrats at a US election party in London, as President Obama secures four more years in the Whitehouse.
US political analyst Dr James D.Boys tells Channel 4 News how Obama won, why Superstorm Sandy helped him and what problems lie ahead at home and abroad, as he seeks to build a legacy.
Barack Obama’s victory tweet becomes the most popular ever while Donald Trump attempts to rally a protest march in Washington, in a night that seals the deal for Twitter’s importance in politics.
As votes come in across the United States, Channel 4 News samples the atmosphere at election night events in the UK and US.
When the victory celebrations are over, the new US president will face a growing pile of issues to tackle in his foreign policy in-tray. Channel 4 News looks at those likely to be top of the list.