Bildt on Ukraine and MH17: Europe woke up today
European Union foreign ministers meet with the prospect of tightening sanctions against Russia – but some still remain divided.
The MH17 passenger plane disaster over Ukraine was caused by a Russian-made BUK missile, according to the final report from Dutch investigators.
With Vladimir Putin meeting Angela Merkel and Francois Hollande in Moscow to discuss the Ukraine conflict, what is driving the Russian president, what is he seeking, and will he get it?
Recovery workers begin collecting debris from the MH17 crash site in eastern Ukraine on Sunday, in an operation expected to take several days.
A preliminary report into the causes of the MH17 plane crash over Ukraine says the damage was caused by numerous objects hitting the plane from the outside.
Dutch crash investigators issue the preliminary report into the crash of MH17 – but does it really tell us what happened in Ukraine?
A column of Russian trucks crosses the border into eastern Ukraine without permission in what Kiev called a “direct invasion” of its territory.
How should Britain respond to growing calls to punish Russia’s oligarchs in wake of the shooting down of MH17?
From jokes over the judo to sanctions on “cronies” via conflict in Ukraine and the MH17 disaster, this clickable graphic tracks the rocky relationship between the west and Russia.
Pro-Russian rebels are said to have shot down two more Ukrainian fighter jets near where Malaysian Airlines flight MH17 was brought down, as the first bodies of Flight MH17 were flown to Eindhoven.
The general secretary of British Airline Pilots Association (Balpa) tells Channel 4 News the world has changed after the MH17 crash, and pilots need more guidance about where is safe to fly.
European Union foreign ministers meet with the prospect of tightening sanctions against Russia – but some still remain divided.
We just sent a camera out to film “Russian influence” in the City of London. As I expected, there’s a few nameplates, some doorbells and the odd logo – Alfabank, Sberbank – and that’s it.
Just three investigators from Malaysian Airlines are on site in eastern Ukraine looking through the wreckage of the downed plane MH17, as the black boxes head for British experts.
The nuttiest conspiracy theory I’ve seen so far has it that flight MH17 was full of the bodies of those who died on flight MH370, the aircraft that disappeared over the Indian Ocean back in March.
Vladimir Putin’s closest allies face sanctions if the Russian president does not help secure the MH17 crash site, UK politicians warn but Mr Putin dismisses such threats.