Cecil Parkinson – once groomed as Thatcher’s successor
Here’s the piece of paper that tells you how high in Margaret Thatcher’s estimation Cecil Parkinson had risen by 1983.
Ken Clarke served as a minister when Lord Carrington was foreign secretary in a government led by Margaret Thatcher. How did the seasoned aristocrat get on with her?
Here’s the piece of paper that tells you how high in Margaret Thatcher’s estimation Cecil Parkinson had risen by 1983.
The Cabinet Office denies attempting to cover up information about Whitehall’s knowledge of Cyril Smith’s child abuse at the time he was granted a knighthood.
Ahead of International Women’s Day on Sunday, I thought it would be worth listing the posts which have never been held by a woman.
With Vladimir Putin meeting Angela Merkel and Francois Hollande in Moscow to discuss the Ukraine conflict, what is driving the Russian president, what is he seeking, and will he get it?
Margaret Thatcher didnt understand why Irish nationalists in Northern Ireland were seeking more rights and feared that allowing them to express their identity would provoke a British Asian uprising.
Imagine my excitement on learning there were tapes of Mrs Thatcher’s handbagging of Ronald Reagan after the US invasion of Grenada. But in fact she hardly gets a word in.
Office and The Hobbit star Martin Freeman, currently starring as Richard III, talks protest and politics with Cathy Newman.
The former Conservative cabinet minister Lord Tebbit has said he believes there “may well” have been a political cover-up over child abuse in the 1980s.
Wonderland, by portraying miners’ lives and culture as they were, and by focusing on men only, shows why a certain kind of solidarity could not cope with the complex, harsh, economy that was emerging.
He is one of the grandest of Tory grandees, given his first government job by Winston Churchill. He talks to Jon Snow about Margaret Thatcher, why he resigned and his thoughts on Europe.
There are few MPs who can claim to have benefited from the expenses scandal but the new Culture Secretary Sajid Javid is perhaps one of them.
Former Channel 4 News industrial correspondent Ian Ross reports on the response of coalworkers across the country on 12 March 1984, the first day of the 1984 national miners’ strike.
In 1984 south Wales miners joined a nationwide strike. Andy Davies meets strike veterans taking part in an anniversary exhibition who, despite the outcome, have fond memories of the event.
Patrick Rock has resigned as deputy head of David Cameron’s policy unit over allegations about child abuse images. Who is he and what is his background?