Memories of Sangin as British forces return to help fight Taliban
Just over a year after British combat forces left Afghanistan, they are back, as the Taliban threaten to take the strategic town of Sangin.
Just over a year after British combat forces left Afghanistan, they are back, as the Taliban threaten to take the strategic town of Sangin.
Alex Thomson reports some surprising results in a bit of truly unscientific opinion polling of the people of Kabul.
Margaret Evison is as pretty far removed from the tub-thumping anti-war campaigning Mother. She would have great sympathy for such women – it’s just that she’s not one of them. She supports the Afghanistan war. Though having just returned from a trip to Kabul and the Panshjir Valley with the veteran reporter Sandy Gall, her…
Nick Paton Walsh blogs on the reality of training the Afghan National Army
Expect Britain to fairly soon slowly sidestep away from Helmand into Kandahar, but it will be no comparative picnic writes Asia correspondent Nick Paton Walsh.
Alex Thomson on the challenges facing NATO and the Afghan government on keeping the Taliban out of areas of Helmand cleared during Operation Moshtarak.