13 May 2014

Revealed: Rolf Harris’ letter to father of ‘victim’

A letter the entertainer Rolf Harris wrote to the father of a girl he is accused of indecently assaulting is revealed to the jury in his trial at Southwark crown court.

The woman is the subject of seven of the 12 counts of indecent assault he faces.

The jury has been told that Mr Harris wrote a letter to her father years after assaulting her, saying he was “in a state of abject self loathing” after she told him how she felt.

He wrote: “I fondly imagined that everything that had taken place had progressed from a feeling of love and friendship – there was no rape, no physical forcing, brutality or beating that took place.”

In the letter, he denied her claims that she was 13 when the relationship began, but was “sickened” by the “misery I have caused”. He added: “You can’t go back and change things that you have done in this life – I wish to god I could. If there is any way that I could atone for what I have done I would willingly do it.”

He apologised to the man for betraying his trust, saying: “I know that what I did was wrong but we are, all of us, fallible and oh how I deluded myself. Please forgive me, love Rolf.”

Mr Harris is accused of 12 counts of indecent assault on four alleged victims, the youngest of whom was seven or eight and the oldest 19, between 1968 and 1986. The former television presenter denies all the counts.

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