29 Apr 2010

A better watch than the first two debates

Very sharp angry question about politicians not listening to the voters, particularly on immigration.
Hard for NC to pull ahead on this one, even if Gordon Brown can be accused of being in office when the questioner and many others presumably think it has got out of control. He tries to do it by saying the other two are old politics, created the problem or the chaos and he’s the guy who is honest on illegal immigrants already here.

Nick Clegg scored a hit against the others in saying they constantly misrepresent his policy. If you hear them talk about it just assume they’re misleading you, he said. 
As a watch, this is better than the other two. The political leaders are getting stuck in and the rules are being relaxed. The lights seem to be very strong and making our leaders melt a little. My colleagues around me think that David Cameron’s make-up may be melting into a thin moustache that could have been modelled on the late lamented Private Walker from “Dad’s Army”.

By the way, Gordon Brown opened by saying he is MP for the people he grew up with and went to school with. Small point but in parts of David Cameron’s Whitney I’m sure he could say the same.

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