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The plot to oust Blair

By Channel 4 News

Updated on 07 September 2006

Labour's leadership crisis was sparked when MPs sent Tony blair a letter asking him to resign.

Labour's leadership crisis was sparked when MPs sent Tony blair a letter asking him to resign.

Tony Blair

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The latest crisis for Tony Blair began when 15 Labour MPs sent him a letter urging him to resign.

Of the 15 rebels, three represent seats in the West Midlands, a key battleground for Labour in next year's council elections. The seats are Birmingham Erdington, Birmingham Perry Bar and West Bromwich East.

Channel 4 News understands that the plot was hatched in a West Bromwich balti house.

Related links
Blair to stand down in 12 months
Channell 4 News poll
Tony Blair's resignation announcement
Leadership timeline
Labour leadership crisis

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