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Labour party members poll

By Channel 4 News

Updated on 07 September 2006

An exclusive Channel 4 News poll shows growing dissatisfaction amongst Labour party members.

An exclusive Channel 4 News poll shows growing dissatisfaction amongst Labour party members.

Gordon Brown and Tony Blair (Credit: Reuters)

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Given this week's events, the fact Labour party members are not happy with their leadership doesn't come as a great surprise.

But the results of Channel 4 News's exclusive YouGov poll reveal a party in discontent and disagreement over leadership and foreign policy.

Out of the 422 Labour party members canvassed, 59 per cent say Blair should go before May 2007 and 38 per cent want the prime minister to step down now.

If Mr Blair were forced out, 39 per cent said they would hold backbenchers responsible; only seven per cent felt that Gordon Brown was to blame for this week's leadership debacle.

Indeed, more than half of those canvassed (57 per cent) said they would be happy for Mr Brown to take over the premiership once Mr Blair steps down. But 65 per cent felt that in doing so Mr Brown must stick with New Labour policies and not veer too far to the left.

The poll showed an almost 50/50 divide amongst members over Mr Blair's foreign policy. Just over half (58 per cent) felt that his Middle East policies have made Britain more of a terrorist target. Just under half (49 per cent) believe military action should not have been taken against Iraq in 2003.

Related links
Blair to stand down in 12 months
The plot to oust Blair
Tony Blair's resignation announcement
Leadership timeline
Labour leadership crisis

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