21 May 2014

‘Hero cat’ throws first pitch… sort of

The “hero cat” who rescued a boy from a dog in his driveway is honoured with throwing the first pitch at a baseball game. But tabby Tara may want to stick to patrolling California’s streets.

Tabby Tara was hardly the first special guest to throw the first pitch at a US baseball game. Here Channel 4 News brings you the good, the bad and the ugly of first pitches.

President Barack Obama has a mixed record on first pitches, but did himself proud at this 2009 All Star game:

Former baseball club franchise owner President George W Bush threw this well-received first pitch – the first after the 9/11 attacks on New York:

The young Justin Bieber didn’t exactly wow the crowd with his effort:

And Mariah Carey is widely renowned to have thrown one of the worst first pitches caught on video:

Perhaps wary of the pitfalls of a disastrous attempt, President Bill Clinton admitted he “practised for a week” before his first pitch: