Turner Prize

  • 5 Dec 2011

    Martin Boyce becomes the third Glasgow artist in succession to triumph at the Turner Prize, as a friend tells Channel 4 News “the first time he tried to get into art school he failed.”

  • 4 May 2011

    A hanging sheet, an urban landscape, voyeuristic video and the dark undertones of a mundane childhood. Matthew Cain previews the Turner Prize shortlist.

  • 6 Dec 2010

    Sound artist Susan Philipsz, whose melancholy song loops were first exhibited in secret riverside walkways in Glasgow, wins Britain’s most esteemed and controversial modern art award.

  • 6 Dec 2010

    As the 2010 Turner Prize winner is named, Channel 4 News brings you the latest comment, analysis and gossip live from Tate Britain – with Krishnan Guru-Murthy and Culture Editor Matthew Cain.

  • 6 Dec 2010

    The Turner Prize 2010 as it happened: comment and chat on the biggest night in art with Krishnan Guru-Murthy, Matthew Cain and Channel 4 News at Tate Britain.

  • 6 Dec 2010

    What will winning mean for the artist awarded the Turner Prize 2010 live on Channel 4 tonight? And, asks Culture Editor Matthew Cain, what will be the impact on art in general?

  • 29 Nov 2010

    The Otolith Group is a London-based collaboration working with video, words and workshops in a project to “build a new film culture”. It is the first collective to be nominated for the Turner Prize.

  • 29 Nov 2010

    Angela de la Cruz creates paintings using the language of sculpture and vice-versa, creating works with an element of slapstick comedy which strike at a deeper emotional tension.

  • 29 Nov 2010

    Susan Philipsz creates sound installations with her own voice, exploring the psychological effects of song. Her work Lowlands was first exhibited under bridges along the River Clyde in Glasgow.

  • 29 Nov 2010

    Dexter Dalwood’s paintings draw upon recent historical events, using collage techniques to create portraits “without the person there”. He is one of two painters in the running for Turner Prize 10.

  • 4 Oct 2010

    A video installation, crumpled canvases and an empty room full of sound. Culture Editor Matthew Cain looks at the 2010 art nominees for the prestigious Turner Prize.

  • 4 May 2010

    Stephanie West views the work nominated for Britain’s biggest art prize and asks whether age and anxiety are at the heart of the 2010 Turner Prize.