• 25 May 2017

    Amid leaks of information relating to the Manchester attacks, we discuss what might be done with Michael Scheuer the former chief of the CIA’s Bin Laden tracking unit. And with Hugh Orde, the former President of the Association of Chief Police Officers who spent nearly a decade as Northern Ireland’s Chief Constable.

  • 15 Jan 2017

    The outgoing CIA director John Brennan has delivered a sharp warning to Donald Trump.

  • 10 Dec 2016

    Glenn Carle joins us live from Boston, Massachusetts to discuss Russian hackers.

  • 28 Nov 2016

    Thousands of Cubans are gathering in central Havana for a two-day ceremony to commemorate Fidel Castro before his remains are carried across the country to Santiago, where the revolution was born.

  • 7 Feb 2013

    CIA boss faces questions on ‘unmanned and unseen’ drones

    Drones are the corner stone of Barack Obama’s security policy, but the debate is now raging in the CIA and beyond on whether the unmanned and unseen weapons are counter productive, and driving recruits to al-Qaeda.

  • 18 Apr 2012

    Channel 4 News International Editor Lindsey Hilsum recalls a conversation with the man at the centre of Libyan rendition claims on how close the CIA and MI6 became with Libyan intelligence.

  • 15 Dec 2010

    Two British nationals, reportedly fighting with al-Qaeda militants, have been killed in the tribal region of Pakistan, near the Afghan border. Sources in both the Pakistan Taliban and the Pakistan military have told Channel 4 News that the two men were killed in a CIA drone strike five days ago.

  • 5 Nov 2009

    Just another piece of 'military liaison?'

    Jon Snow blogs on the repercussions after 23 CIA operatives were found guilty in Italy over rendition of a terror suspect.

  • 19 Feb 2009

    WASHINGTON DC, USA – In a couple of hours the new CIA director will be sworn in – the heavy-jowled Leon Panetta who used to be Bill Clinton’s chief of staff. His appointment was meant to send the message loud and clear that the CIA and America had radically changed since Obama himself was sworn in.…

  • 17 Feb 2009

    I’ve just come up for air after several weeks investigating claims that dozens of Islamic extremists have returned to Britain from training camps in Somalia. The security services believe that they may end up using the skills they have learned in Somalia to commit acts of terror here in the UK.