Murdered in the fight to build a democratic Libya
18-year-old Libyan civil society activist Tawfik Bensaud was killed on Friday, probably by Islamists. His friends are now struggling to keep faith in the democratic state they dream of.
We spoke to Tommaso Della Longa, a spokesman for the IFRC, the umbrella body for Red Cross and Red Crescent societies.
Storm Daniel has devastated parts of Libya, as catastrophic flooding has killed thousands.
Democratic presidential nomination front runner Hillary Clinton is due to give evidence to Congress over the 2012 attack on the US embassy in Benghazi for the second time. But why now?
18-year-old Libyan civil society activist Tawfik Bensaud was killed on Friday, probably by Islamists. His friends are now struggling to keep faith in the democratic state they dream of.
Old scores are being settled in Libya as militias fight to assert their power in towns and cities across the country.
Around 100 inmates are recaptured after more than 1,000 escaped during a prison riot in the eastern Libyan city of Benghazi, as protesters attack offices linked to the Muslim Brotherhood.
The Foreign Office advises Britons to leave the Libyan city of Benghazi immediately because of a “specific and imminent terrorist threat”.
Hillary Clinton faces tough questions over Benghazi today. But with a new poll showing she is more popular with the public than ever, will she use this momentum for a 2016 presidential bid?
Doctors expect US secretary of state Hillary Clinton to make a full recovery from a blood clot in a vein between her brain and skull with her release from hospital planned after further treatment.
Massachusetts senator John Kerry is almost certain to be nominated as America’s next secretary of state: a post he has wanted for years. Is he the right man for the job?
At least four people are killed in the Libyan city of Benghazi as military police and protesters take over militia bases.
How will Libya respond to hardline Islamic militancy? Last month the government failed to intervene when Sufi shrines were attacked. Now the US ambassador has been murdered.
There’s fear, there’s loathing, and there’s electoral politics. Top Republicans say President Obama’s foreign policy triggered the attacks on US diplomatic staff – calling it “disgraceful”.
Libyans vote in the first free national elections in 60 years. While some are joyful, others storm police stations and burn ballot boxes.
The story of Libya’s revolution demanded to be told, says Lindsey Hilsum, who has written Sandstorm; Libya in the Time of Revolution.