Search results for ‘Cyber-warfare’

22 items found

  • 22 Jan 2018

    The head of the army has warned that Britain’s ability to deter or respond to threats could be eroded without substantial new investment. General Sir Nick Carter said Russia was building up an aggressive force, including cyber-warfare and long-range missile capacity, adding: “We cannot afford to sit back”. Number 10 insisted that the UK was…

  • 31 Jan 2015

    The British Army is to create a new unit for psychological and social media warfare to help Britain “fight in the information age” and control the “narrative” of warfare.

  • 11 Sep 2013

    Can you break the code to become a spy? GCHQ attempts a new recruitment drive to target top code breakers, mathematicians and “ethical hackers” as it tries to move beyond the Prism scandal.

  • 31 Jan 2013

    After the New York Times took four months to repel an attack by Chinese hackers, data security experts tell Channel 4 News it marks a trend towards cyber espionage in the “third era” of cyber crime.

  • 19 Aug 2012

    Anti-Japanese protesters protest in Chinese cities after activists unfurled Japanese flags on a disputed island in the East China Sea claimed by both Tokyo and Beijing.

  • 12 Jun 2012

    Confront and conceal – the Obama approach?

    What kind of president is Barack Obama? Certainly not the kind that America thought it had elected almost four years ago. Matt Frei blogs on Mr Obama’s expansion of cyber warfare and use of drones.

  • 6 Dec 2011

    As MIT warns the power grid of the United States needs a cyber shield, Technology Producer Geoff White looks at the threat posed by the most serious cyber infrastructure attack ever: Stuxnet.

  • 6 Dec 2011

    As MIT warns the United States may need a cyber shield to protect its power grid, Channel 4 News Technology Producer Geoff White looks at how serious the cyber threat facing Britain is.

  • 31 Oct 2011

    A British intelligence agency warns cyber attacks on the UK government are on the rise, ahead of a major summit on cyber-warfare. But an expert tells Channel 4 News the summit will be “superficial”.

  • 20 Sep 2011

    Japan tells its biggest weapons maker, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, to investigate a cyber attack on the company’s computer network, warning it may have breached its contracts with the military.

  • 13 Aug 2011

    Channel 4 News has been granted unprecedented access to the cyber security firm Qinetiq and spoken to the teenagers who are helping protect the UK Government from cyber attacks.

  • 3 Aug 2011

    IT security company McAfee says it has uncovered one of the largest series of cyber attacks, targeting 72 different organisations over five years.

  • 18 Jul 2011

    As Defence Secretary Liam Fox is accused of slashing the army by cutting troop numbers in favour of reservists, he tells Channel 4 News the focus is on the “overall deployable strength of the army”.

  • 15 Jul 2011

    A secret network which looks and works like Facebook is being used by world leaders to chat in real-time. Channel 4 News reveals how it’s shaping the way G20 nations communicate in 2011.

  • 27 Jun 2011

    As the Defence Secretary outlines major reforms for the MoD, the head of a defence think tank tells Channel 4 News the military realises it must change or face being “hung out to dry” by politicians.