Channel 4 News understands that Ed Miliband met at least four (half) of the “ordinary people” referenced in his speech on Hampsted Heath in London.
@HelenMGoodman We were just quoted by Ed Miliband! Cumberbatch-fanciers… that was us, right? #goodlord
— Beatrice Bazell (@beatricebazell) September 23, 2014
@rowenamason @HelenMGoodman Hampstead Heath, and yes, I believe I did say ‘black hole’ (we were talking about jobs and financial security)
— Beatrice Bazell (@beatricebazell) September 23, 2014
@rowenamason It was Hampstead Heath. Beatrice and I were on our way to the ponds for a swim, and I insisted that we talk to him!
— Helen Goodman (@HelenMGoodman) September 23, 2014
Laughing to myself that I have, indeed, met Ed Miliband in a park.
— Clara Molden (@claramolden) September 23, 2014
Taking a stroll through Hampstead Heath, suddenly bumped into this guy @Ed_Miliband…so many things I should’ve said
— Xiomara V Torero (@XiomaraVTorero) July 29, 2014
@rowenamason We had a great talk – gap between rich & poor, mansion tax, mental health waiting lists, domestic violence, youth unemployment.
— Helen Goodman (@HelenMGoodman) September 23, 2014
@rowenamason I was really pleasantly surprised, having been sceptical – he seemed v well-informed and genuinely interested in my concerns
— Helen Goodman (@HelenMGoodman) September 23, 2014
That’s Gareth, back left RT @pimterry: Ed Miliband happened to stop by the annual @SoftwireUK picnic. As you do.
— Softwire Technology (@SoftwireUK) September 23, 2014