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England World Cup squad named

By Channel 4 News

Updated on 01 June 2010

Theo Walcott misses out on a place in England's World Cup squad as Fabio Capello confirms his 23-man football team heading for the tournament in South Africa.

Theo Walcott (Getty)

Arsenal winger Theo Walcott, 21, was the surprise omission from England's final 23-man squad announced today. Walcott, who has 11 caps, would have been the youngest member of the party as he was when he was included, but did not play, as a 17-year-old in 2006.

Earlier this week he said he did not deserve a place in Sven-Goran Eriksson's squared four years ago but felt he had done enough to merit inclusion this time.

But although he started both England's warm-up matches against Mexico and Japan in the past week, he had an injury-disrupted season with his club and failed to reproduce his best form.

Capello opted for Manchester City's Shaun Wright-Phillips and Tottenham's Aaron Lennon for the wide midfield roles.

Sunderland striker Darren Bent, second highest English goalscorer in the Premier League last season, was also left out but Manchester City midfielder Gareth Barry and Tottenham Hotspur defender Ledley King were named after injury problems.

Chelsea's Joe Cole, who returned to the England side against Japan on Sunday after an 18-month absence, was also included.

Barry passed a fitness test after recovering from a sprained ankle and was included in the squad as the principal holding midfielder but six other players were cut from Capello's original 30-man list.

Bent lost out to Emile Heskey as a possible partner for Wayne Rooney in attack, even though Bent scored 24 league goals for Sunderland last season and Heskey just three for Aston Villa.

England depart for the June 11-July 11 tournament on Wednesday and after one more low-key training game against a local side next week, will play their first Group C match against the United States in Rustenburg on June 12.

England's 2010 World Cup squad




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