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Two arrested after Glasgow car ram

By Darshna Soni

Updated on 30 June 2007

Two people have been arrested by Strathclyde police after a blazing car was driven at the door of Glasgow Airport.

Flames shooting up by the doors of Glasgow airports terminal building - was this another attempt to attack the UK?

This vehicle described by witnesses as a jeep Cherokee crashed into the airport driven by two men who those at the scene said were of Asian appearance.

Passengers told how one of the men brought out a petrol canister and poured it onto the car and that one of them was then himself on fire.

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With fire engines and the police quickly on the scene - one of the men was wrestled to the ground and Strathclyde Police tonight confirmed they had made two arrests.

The police say at the moment they don't know if this is linked to yesterdays foiled car bomb attacks in London, but with witnesses talking of the car trying to ram the entrance and the men holding things that looked like petrol bombs - those at the airport are in little doubt this was a car bomb attack.

While police in Scotland continue their investigations, in London - the new prime minister will chair his second emergency meeting of top security officials - Cobra will meet within the hour to discuss the Glasgow situation.

On his third full day in the job Mr Brown is now faced with having to deal with his second potential terrorist attack. And this apparent attack at Glasgow airport has had immediate repercussions across the Atlantic - America announcing it was boosting the presence of security officials at all its airports.

And in Glasgow there was surprise that recent security improvements hadn't prevented the car from hitting the terminal building.

After London's foiled attacks yesterday government officials said all parts of the UK were under threat - they had no idea how quickly that could tonight a reality.

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