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UN tells Israel: release boats, free passengers

By Channel 4 News

Updated on 01 June 2010

With the the death toll from Israel's assault on a Turkish-led convoy at nine, Lindsey Hilsum reports from Israel that it has again focused attention on Israel's blockade of Gaza, while Israeli spokesman Mark Regev tells Channel 4 News the blockade is a "legitimate tool".

An anti-Israeli shouts in front of the US embassy in Kuala Lumpur

Tonight Palestinians flocked to the Rafah crossing, which Egypt has just opened to allow in more aid - although still not cement and construction materials desperately needed to rebuild infrastructure in Gaza destroyed by Israeli bombing last year.

Another ship loaded with supplies is on its way, and Israel says it will intercep it.

Lindsey Hilsum told Jon Snow for Channel 4 News there were apparently 42 Britons on board the flotilla. One is said to be injured, the rest are all right.

She said some of those detained were refusing to sign forms that would allow for their deportation from Israel. They planned to take the Israeli government to court in Israel, to say that the boarding of the ships was illegal because it was in international waters.

It is believed that most, if not all, of those killed on the flotilla were Turkish, although their names have not yet been released.

The captain of the Rachel Corrie, another aid ship that plans to travel to Gaza, has said his ship plans to do what the flotilla was unable to do - to deliver aid to Gaza. But the Israeli navy has said that that will not be allowed.

Lindsey Hilsum reported that an anonymous statement pledged that Israel would, if necessary, board the Rachel Corrie using even more aggression, although this may just be a warning to put the ship off.

Israeli spokesman Mark Regev defends naval blockade

Mr Regev, the Israeli Prime Minister's spokesman, told Channel 4 News that the use of a naval blockade was "legitimate".

"A blockade is a legitimate tool when you're in a conflict," he told Jon Snow.

"Anyone who is bringing humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip - we promise that if you bring that aid to our port of Ashdod we will guarantee that all humanitarian aid reach the people. If they don’t want to deal with us because they don’t like us a Muslim country and an Arab country - Egypt - has made a similar offer."

While saying the blockade was necessary to prevent goods being smuggled into Gaza, Mr Regev defended the actions of the commandos who carried out the flotilla raid.

"It's clear that if that blockade did not exist, if we did not have that blockade on the Gaza strip you'd have the inclusion into Gaza of very dangerous weapons and missiles from Iran, from Syria," he said.

"Hardcore extremists on the boat used violence and our soldiers who were in the operation had to defend themselves.

"Obviously we are investigating what happened because we're not happy with the fact there were nine fatalities.

"The aggression, the violence the attacks from the people on the boat on our servicemen was something that as enormous. Our servicemen… were under a real threat to their lives and under such circumstances they are entitled to defend themselves."

Gaza blockade 'not sustainable'
The UN Security Council has demanded the immediate release of ships and civilians held by Israel following yesterday's raid, while stressing the three-year-old Israeli blockade of Gaza is "not sustainable".

Six ships, carrying about 10,000 tonnes of aid and up to 700 passengers on six vessels, were warned not to pass an Israeli sea blockade yesterday.

The activists were on their way to Gaza from Cyprus on a mission designed to draw attention to the Israeli blockade of the coastal territory.

Israel imposed the restrictions after Hamas militants took power in 2007.

The Turkish Mavi Marmara ship and Free Gaza's Challenger 1 were boarded by Israeli Navy ships in international waters, off the coast of Gaza.

Turkish TV pictures appeared to show Israeli soldiers fighting to bring passengers under control.

Read Lindsey Hilsum's blog
- What does the raid mean for US-Israel relations?

More from on the Gaza flotilla raid from Channel 4 News
- Gaza flotilla attack: international outrage
- Gaza flotilla raid: injured Briton named
- Israel sent 'wrong' men says expert
- Israel raid on Gaza aid ships: list of Britons aboard

The UN says at least 10 civilians were killed in the raid, with others injured, while those organising the aid ships' mission to Gaza say up to 19 people were killed.

The raid has prompted protests in capital cities around the world.

Riyad Monsour, Palestinian Ambassador to the United Nations, said this morning: "It was an aggression by the Israeli armed forces in international waters which is violation of international law.

Adrian Harrison, whose 32-year-old daughter Alex is in an Israeli prison after being captured on one of the aid ships, told Channel 4 News about his family's anxious wait and his anger at coverage of the Israeli blockage.

The latest information we have is that she is being held in prison in Israel – further than that we don't really know. We are assured that she has not been injured but that is about it.

Our last contact with her was over a week ago when she was setting sail, because of various incidents and ships breaking down, she ended up being on a different ship.

The Foreign Office have been "very helpful", they have advised British people not to go to Gaza…

They (Foreign Office) finally came back to us at 7am this morning to confirm that my daughter was in prison and basically assured me that she was not injured.

We have only had five hours sleep in the past 48 hours, we are absolutely shattered.

If nothing else this aid mission has at least given some publicity to the situation in Gaza, it is just a shame people have to be killed to finally achieve that, as the issue has previously been ignored by the British media.

What is extremely frustrating though is watching the news now and seeing Israeli officials being interviewed, and distorting the truth.

"The investigation should lead to finding the reasons why orders were given to those commanders to open fire against civilians, and also to bring those people who committed those crimes to face justice."

In Turkey, Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan called Israel's raid a "bloody massacre" as he addressed parliament.

Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak has ordered the border crossing between Egypt and the Gaza Strip to be opened.

The Egyptian state news agency said it was to allow humanitarian aid through.

UN statement on Israel's Gaza aid ships raid
The Security Council deeply regrets the loss of life and injuries resulting from the use of force during the Israeli military operation in international waters against the convoy sailing to Gaza.

The Council, in this context, condemns those acts which resulted in the loss of at least ten civilians and many wounded, and expresses its condolences to their families.

The Security Council requests the immediate release of the ships as well as the civilians held by Israel.

The Council urges Israel to permit full consular access, to allow the countries concerned to retrieve their deceased and wounded immediately, and to ensure the delivery of humanitarian assistance from the convoy to its destination.

The Security Council takes note of the statement of the UN Secretary-General on the need to have a full investigation into the matter and it calls for a prompt, impartial, credible and transparent investigation conforming to international standards. The Security Council stresses that the situation in Gaza is not sustainable.

The Council re-emphasizes the importance of the full implementation of Resolutions 1850 and 1860.

In that context, it reiterates its grave concern at the humanitarian situation in Gaza and stresses the need for sustained and regular flow of goods and people to Gaza as well as unimpeded provision and distribution of humanitarian assistance throughout Gaza.

The Security Council underscores that the only viable solution to Israeli-Palestinian conflict is an agreement negotiated between the parties and re-emphasises that only a two-State solution, with an independent and viable Palestinian State living side by side in peace and security with Israel and its other neighbours, could bring peace to the region.

The Security Council expresses support for the proximity talks and voices concern that this incident took place while the proximity talks are underway and urges the parties to act with restraint, avoiding any unilateral and provocative actions, and all international partners to promote an atmosphere of cooperation between the parties and throughout the region.

But Israeli military spokeswoman Lt. Colonel Avital Leibovitch responded yesterday to such criticism saying: "They planned this attack. Our soldiers were injured from these knives and sharp metal objects... as well as from live fire."

The Israeli military has now acknowledged it made mistakes in the boarding of the Gaza bound ships, including issuing the wrong intelligence and wrong equipment. The chief of Israel’s armed forces, Lieutenant General Gabi Ashkenazi, said his troops were armed with equipment for crowd-dispersal, which proved insufficient when activists put up a resistance.

Marine commandos involved in the attack pointed to a failure of intelligence, telling Army Radio that they did not expect such a level of resistance from a humanitarian aid group.

Video footage shot by Israeli Defence Forces (IDF) has been posted on YouTube claiming to show activists attacking soldiers with pieces of metal and hand grenades.

Two of the dead activists had fired at soldiers with pistols, the army added.

Former Labour and Respect MP George Galloway, founder of the worldwide Viva Palestina movement, is in touch with those on board the "freedom flotilla".

He held a press conference earlier, branding Israel's actions as "terrorism".

He said: "The killing of one or two people could be put down to accident. The killing of [20 or] more people is clearly a pre-meditated act."

The eighth and final ship in the so-called "freedom flotilla" is still en route to Gaza and could reach the isolated enclave within the next 24 hours. The activists on board say they are determined to reach Gaza with their shipment of supplies including equipment for schools and medical centres.

But an unnamed Israeli marine lieutenant told Israeli Army Radio his unit was prepared to block the ship, stating: "We will also be ready for the Rachel Corrie."

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