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Ahmadinejad victory sparks protests

By Lindsey Hilsum, John Sparks

Updated on 13 June 2009

President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad claims a landslide victory in the Iranian elections but supporters of the main candidates have clashed on the streets of Tehran.

Mousavi supporters flee riot police (picture: Reuters)

A witness claimed to see two men being carried away from Vanak square, where some people were having fistfights.

The violence broke out as Iran's interior minister announced that Ahmadinejad gained 62.6 per cent of the vote in an election while his main rival Mir Hossein Mousavi claimed the election had not been fair.

Up to 2,000 of his supporters staged a sit-in protest in the middle of the road, clapping hands and chanting: "Mousavi take back our vote! What happened to our vote?". They also chanted at security forces: "Police, brother, you're one of us".

Dozens of riot police were standing nearby.

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