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Lib Dems want EU referendum

By Channel 4 News

Updated on 15 September 2007

The Liberal Democrats are calling for a referendum on Britain's membership of the European Union.

The party's leader Sir Menzies Campbell had earlier this week refused to back calls for a vote on the issue. But today he said the public deserved an 'honest debate' - and said it would flush out Eurosceptics on the Conservative benches.

Sources suggest that Sir Menzies' demand has increased pressure on prime minister Gordon Brown to hold a referendum, which up until now Brown has ruled out despite calls from the Conservatives, trade unionists and some of his own MPs.

In 1975, voters chose to keep the UK in the European Economic Community (EEC, as the EU used to be called), in the country's first nationwide referendum.

However, critics say the public deserve another chance to vote on the subject as the European Union has changed so much since 1975.

The call from Sir Menzies comes from unexpectedly pro-European quarters: however his reasoning is that only with an 'honest debate' can the UK's membership of the EU go forward.

The Lib Dem leader's suggestion comes as his party heads down to Brighton for the annual conference, which starts tomorrow.

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