Simon Hopkinson Cooks

Category: News Release


Simon Hopkinson will be revealing the sumptuous secrets that go into making the world’s most delicious restaurant dishes and showing how it’s possible to achieve those perfect professional results at home.

He’ll be featuring the most flavourful menus, with recipes selected for their taste and complimentary qualities.  His mission is to seek out the expert knowledge, learn how to cook them and then each week devise his own restaurant menu.   

Simon will be visiting restaurants and meeting the personalities behind these incredible recipes to pick up tips, tricks and techniques.  Armed with this knowledge he’ll return home and show his own way of producing these dishes in often surprising and unique ways.

All that is asked is patience, precision and alternative ways of thinking.  Simon will be proving that sumptuous restaurant dishes can be made and enjoyed in the comfort of your own home.

Prod co: Ricochet