Introducing the characters of Cucumber and Banana

Category: News Release

Russell T Davies says, “The worlds of Cucumber and Banana show an ever-changing city – from the centre to the suburbs, and all sorts of corners in between.  And filling those streets, I wanted a wealth of characters; some of my own creation, but with other writers coming into Banana to give different perspectives on men and women.  I hope we’ve created quite a kaleidoscope. Not just different sexualities, but people of different ages, class, ethnicity, attitudes, you name it! Just like any city in Britain today. A city UKIP would try to demolish – what a wonderful place to live! So here’s a guide to some of the faces you’ll get to see over the eight weeks…”  


Henry: If something can go wrong, Henry will make sure that it does. He should be happy and settled, but he can't stop pushing and needling and testing the world. And as his secrets emerge, he's in danger of destroying everything he loves.

Lance: Lance is everything that Henry needs - he's calm, patient, and wise. In fact, some people call him a saint. But saints can be ruthless, and when pushed too far, Lance is about to reveal a whole new side to himself.

Cleo: Cleo's busy enough, with a job and three kids, but coping with her brother, Henry, takes up most of her time. But as Henry's life begins to change, Cleo realises she has changes to make too.

Freddie: Freddie's 25, a little lost in life after getting thrown out of university. But he's handsome and sharp and clever enough to coast through the world, happy to sleep with men, or women, or both. But even Freddie can't run forever.

Dean: Dean's 19, funny, fast, frantic, a great mate to his friends, a terrible lover to his fellas. He's always in debt and too busy having fun to settle down. But one day soon, he'll have to face the inevitable and go back home.

Cliff: Cliff's hit middle-age magnificently - drunk, shambolic, chasing after boys half his age, and proud of it. He's both Henry's best friend and his greatest tormentor.

Daniel: Daniel's new to Manchester - a diver at the Aquarium where Lance works. Daniel's recently divorced, and as straight as they come. And yet, Lance thinks he seems to be sending out some odd signals...

Adam: Cleo's 15-year-old son, Adam's becoming famous in his own right as a successful vlogger. With his best mate Beanie and classmate Tomasz, he sets out to show his Uncle Henry some unusual ways to make money.


Scotty: Scotty's shy and quiet, and she works day and night, holding down four different jobs. But when she falls in love with a woman at the supermarket, Scotty's whole life is about to fall apart.

Sian & Violet: Sian and Violet are at the beginning of a relationship - but while Violet's seen a lot of the world, Sian feels more inhibited. As the two of them get closer, they discover the joys and pitfalls of becoming a couple. But can they survive together?

Helen: Helen's suffering with an unwanted ex. Eddie comes calling night and day and won't accept that she's moved on. But when Eddie takes revenge, Helen's going to need every ounce of strength she's got.

Josh & Sophie: Josh is 18 – a student, young, wild, happy, and desperately in love with Freddie Baxter. But his best mate Sophie stayed at home, to marry Marc – can she stay friends with Josh, or have their lives taken different paths?

Amy: Amy's greatest problem is Amy. She spends all day imagining what could go wrong. So trying to go on a date is a series of disasters! She's trying to find love, but not before she's checked that she turned the kettle off.

Aiden & Frank: Aiden's a happy, handsome Welsh lad who's moved to Manchester, and Frank's a farmer on a night out in the city. They find themselves thrown together as two-thirds of a threesome, but the morning after… could this be love?

Vanessa: Sian's mother, Vanessa is tough, strong, ballsy, the boss of her own cleaning company. She thinks she's seen it all, over her 60 years. But the past is catching up with her, and now the fate of a young Nigerian girl lies in her hands.

Zara: A 16-year-old illegal immigrant working for Vanessa's company, Zara can't speak a word of English. And yet she has one terrible secret she needs to say out loud.