SAS Interview with Directing Staff (DS) - Jason Fox (Foxy)
Category: InterviewTell us about this series and what we have to look forward to?
The new series will be in a brand new environment in the (Andes) mountains and cold weather. The altitude makes it so much more difficult for the recruits and the harsh terrain is very taxing, demanding and intimidating. And we have introduced women on this series.
What’s new this time round?
This is the first time we have moved into high altitude and extreme cold weather. The elements are a lot harsher than before and we have now introduced females which has never been done before.
What is the new location like and how does it compare to previous locations?
The new location in the Andes is amazing. You have got mountains, rivers, glaciers. It’s a lot more dramatic than the previous locations.
Did you ever serve in a similar location?
Yes I did. Parts of the location are very similar to the locations I worked in, where we experienced high altitude and extreme cold weather.
How much does the location change the series?
Without a doubt, the location changes the series considerably due to the harsh environment and extreme weather and high altitude.
Did the ‘Winter Warfare’ make it a tougher course?
Yes. Winter Warfare is extremely challenging. The recruits really had to be switched on at all times to get through it. In these really harsh environments, if you are not switched on it will kill you in an instant.
Did you find the harsh winter conditions difficult to deal with during filming?
No, I didn’t find it difficult because I have operated it these conditions time and time again. I have been mountain and arctic warfare trained.
How do you think it worked introducing female recruits into the programme?
I thought introducing women into the series worked well. They are just another group of individuals. Some were strong and some weren’t, exactly like the men.
Did you feel this way before you started filming or has your opinion changed?
I always knew some of the women would do well and some wouldn’t. On the course, I didn’t see them as male or female, I saw each of them as their own individual person.
How did the men and women interact?
Everyone pulled together like any group of people during tough times. There was a tight bond created in the group.
Eventually, did gender become irrelevant?
During filming, we didn’t care about gender. Whether someone was male or female was irrelevant - it was about someone being able to do a job.
How did you think the recruits fared this series? Were they a good bunch and did they really embrace the challenge?
The recruits did really well and stepped up to the mark. They pulled together as a team and grizzed it out. Those standing at the end deserved to be there.
Are you as tough in real life as you are on the programme?
Yes I am!
For further press information please contact Gail Davidson - gail@gaildavidsonpr.co.uk