Interview with Katie Price – Recruit #3
Category: InterviewDescribe your experience on Celebrity SAS: Who Dares Wins in your own words
I knew I was in trouble from the minute we arrived ‘somewhere in outer Scotland.’ I hate the cold, I have a phobia of water. It was equally the most terrifying and exhilarating thing that I have ever done. It was like being in the jungle but the military, SAS version.
What made you want to take part in Celebrity SAS: Who Dares Wins?
Anybody who knows me will tell you I am always up for a challenge. I like to push my own personal boundaries. Life is about being the best you can be. I have learnt so much about myself from doing it
Were you nervous or apprehensive about any part of the SAS experience before you started?
No, not really. My life is so busy. Being a full-time working mum, the task at hand hadn’t really soaked in, I just knew it wouldn't be a walk in the park.
Who did you bond with the most and why?
Anthea Turner. She was amazing. I admire her control, her ability to let go and be ok with showing her feelings - mainly fear and panic - on this show. She isn’t a stuck-up prude, she is a life survivor and lovely lady.
Was your SAS experience as you expected?
Not exactly, I mean I knew I wouldn’t be posing up in a bikini set! I have nothing but total respect now for the SAS and our British-commanding forces that protect us. The training is something else, it’s no wonder we are the best fighting intelligence in the world.
Did anything surprise you?
The extreme conditions, the cold. It was a real eye opener to the real life training they do go through. Well, we had the holiday camp version compared to what they really do go through in training - we didn't get waterboarded!
What were Ant and the rest of the DS like?
Amazing, terrifying, hard, in your face. It was scary. There was no place for egos or toilet breaks - this was full on, nothing edited, gritty as it happened. They were, however, checking in on us all the time to ensure we were coping. This isn't for the faint hearted.
How did it feel being shouted at by the DS?
I don’t like my mum shouting at me, let alone someone I barely know, in my face. I wanted to give it back, that was a challenge in itself. I had to show respect to my commanding officer.
How did you find the challenges?
My heart was in my mouth pretty much the whole time. I was up for everything they threw at me – I gave 150% COMMITMENT.
What was going through your mind when all recruits had to walk backwards off the side of a cliff?
O.M.F.G - you are joking right? I said to myself, “pull your sh*t together, Katie, you’ve got this.” I wasn’t going to be left on that cliff alone!
How did you find the boxing challenge?
I love boxing. This had to be one of my favourite challenges. I used to kick box as part of my training regime.
What was the best thing you did during your Celebrity SAS: Who Dares Wins experience?
I made some true friends, met real people. In that short time we were a family. I learnt a lot about who I am and where I am going in life now.
Has the experience changed you in any way?
Yes - I will never take my creature comforts for granted again. I left Celebrity SAS: Who Dares Wins with new life goals. I left the old Katie up there and she’s not coming back either!
Do you feel it has made you think about anything differently since you've been back home?
You don’t come back from filming a show like this and just wash it off. It stays with you. Life is one big challenge and I want the world to be a better place for everyone.
How did it compare to being in the I’m A Celebrity jungle?
The Jungle was a holiday camp in comparison - there was definitely no time for any romance. I think Ant should be the next BOND - I would gladly put my life in his hands to protect me. I have never felt so safe, which is bonkers but true.
Would you do it again…?!
DEFINATELY YES! Where do I sign up, I’m in! I have unfinished business with Celebrity SAS: Who Dares Wins and I’m coming back to win it.