Hollyoaks (County Lines)


Category: Interview

What was your reaction when you heard about the plans for Hollyoaks to cover this topic?

I love that Hollyoaks tackle subjects that are in the news or very topical and do it head-on. When they announced it and we got an understanding of what county lines is, I thought it was a brilliant storyline for us to be covering. This is our demographic – some of the kids who watch Hollyoaks are an example of those who are vulnerable and susceptible to being groomed in a county lines situation, so even if we have one child who watches it and goes “I think this might be happening to me, I need to get help”, I think it’s a storyline well worth doing.

What research have you been part of?

For this storyline we’ve worked with The Children’s Society and local police who have been in to talk to us. They shared case studies, explaining what happens and what they think needs to be done to help children in these situations. It’s been interesting and very eye-opening. I just find it mind-boggling that children from all different backgrounds can be groomed, and children as young as 10, 11 or younger are getting on public transport on their own, it’s really disturbing.

Nancy’s teenage nephew, Charlie will become a drug runner, will Nancy feel like a failure for ‘letting’ this happen?

Nancy’s having a very complicated year; she’s under an awful lot of pressure and probably more stressed than ever before. If she discovers that Charlie has become part of this world, I don’t think she’ll ever forgive herself. This is a massive failure for her - not only as his parental figure but as a teacher. Her sweet, lovely, polite boy, entering this dark world is just her worst nightmare.

Nancy is also a teacher, how is county lines affecting the school?

Nancy got stabbed at school, so she’s very aware that things at Hollyoaks High are not as they should be and wants to clamp down on it. She wants the drugs to stop and she wants her school to be a safe environment for the children. But that’s not happening, and she doesn’t know why, or how she can stop it. Being Nancy, she doesn’t always try and fix things in the most logical or sensible way.

Nancy was in the flash-forward episode, so for continuity you won’t be able to change your appearance until then, how difficult will this be for you?

We know you love a new hair-do! If you watched closely, Nancy had her hair up so that gives me some leeway as to what we do with it. As long as my hair’s still brown and can go up by September when we shoot it, I think the world’s my oyster!