Hunted: Series 5 – interview with fugitives Jess and Ella
Category: Interview, Press Pack ArticleElla's an outdoorsy 22-year-old charity researcher. She still lives at home with her parents with whom she's very close, but she is very keen to move in with her girlfriend Jess in the near future. One of the big drivers of going on the run for Ella is the chance to win a share of £100,000 and put a deposit down on a home.
Jess is a 23-year-old consultant for an Independent Financial Adviser broker. She and Ella went to school together but didn't know each other very well until they bonded over a game of spin the bottle at a drunken party aged 15. Jess and Ella have been together now for over seven years and are looking forward to moving in together in the near future.
Why did you want to take part in Hunted?
J&E – We have always been fans of Hunted and wanted to give it a go not thinking for one minute we would actually make it onto the show – what a surprise that was!
Jess – My personal motivation was overcoming my frozen shoulder which had held me back physically (not being able to sleep flat for 3 years or carry heavy bags) and mentally for many years – this was an opportunity to prove to myself and others how far I have come.
Ella – My personal motivation was to show the world that ADHD has positive qualities despite the bad press it regularly receives and use my ADHD to my advantage i.e. my ability to manage pressure no matter the stakes – could be very handy for Hunted!
What do each of you think you’ll bring to your Hunted partnership? Are you worried about falling out?
Jess - We have been together for 8 years, so we know our relationship is strong, but we do bicker … A LOT. I think keeping our cool under the pressure of HUNTED and not letting that affect us could be a real challenge.
Ella - The problem with Jess and I is that we are both incredibly stubborn and have our own ways of doing things. Team work and affinity is key to success on Hunted – will we learn to do this?
Jess – I think Ella will bring humour to any situation and keep me laughing at the toughest moments. She works incredibly well in highly stressful situations (even thrives), she can think outside the box better than most which should give us an edge over the Hunters. Although, she does get bored very easily so keeping her entertained will definitely be a challenge ;)
Ella – I think Jess will bring steadiness and calm to our team, she is incredibly kind and caring and will make any situation feel better than it is. Her ability to build relationships with people will be invaluable when asking strangers for their help. However, she does struggle under pressure; hopefully we will balance each other out.
What tactics, if any, are you planning to employ? Are there things you’ve seen in previous Hunted series’ that you’d like to adopt – or avoid?
J&E – Our tactics are the four Fs:
- Fugitive – think like a fugitive, never be complacent, stay off-grid, keep moving and use disguises
- Forests – out of sight, out of mind, use natural cover where we can and utilise wood for fires.
- Faith – have faith in Jess’ shoulder, strangers, ourselves and our relationship.
- Food – the most important thing above all - the key to avoiding Jess’ hangriness!
How confident are you in your abilities? Do you think you have what it takes to make it to the end?
Ella – I’m confident in our relationship and ability to work as a team – if we stay cool, calm and smart we could have a shot at winning.
Jess – I’m worried about the physical aspect of Hunted because of my shoulder but I’m ready to take on the challenge and prove to myself I’m stronger than I think I am. I also can’t wait to see Ella thrive under pressure and take on the Hunters together!
What do you think the experience of being on the run will be like?
Jess – I think it’s going to be a once in a lifetime experience, it’s going to have a lot of incredibly testing moments but overall it will hopefully be liberating and a story to tell the grandkids!
Ella – Pressure, fun, crazy & fulfilling - Like nothing I’ve ever done before but something I will want to do forever more when it’s over. An experience I’ll never forget and reminisce about forever more.
For the first time in Hunted history, you will start with only the clothes on your back. How do you feel about the prospect of having no technology, no money, no backpack and no possessions?
J&E - No rucksack, no money, no phone, no possessions = up the creek without a paddle … savage! No wine, no vape, no food = no fun!
If you manage to avoid capture, what would you spend your winnings on? How big a factor is the money for you?
J&E – If we won, we would love to travel the world, put some money towards a deposit for a house and set up our business ‘Meat is a Treat’ (changing perceptions about eating meat, we believe it should be viewed as a treat not a necessity). The money is an added bonus, but the challenge is much more tempting, we are both so competitive and would love to win!
What life/career experience/s have you had that you think would give you the edge over the hunters and other fugitives?
Ella - Having ADHD has presented many challenges in my life which has equipped me with the ability to cope in a lot of situations – hopefully I can add Hunted to the list!
Jess – I have had my fair share of physical and mental challenges throughout my life, I have learnt a lot about myself and the people around me through overcoming life’s little tests. I am hoping that my stubbornness and drive will see Ella and I through to the end.
Other than appearing on Hunted, what would you say has been your biggest claim to fame?
Ella – Tommy Leng (from My Nu Leng) sent me a message on Instagram once haha!
Jess – I used to live in the same village as Will Young’s parents … tragic claim I know ;)