Hollyoaks: Interview with Diane Langton who plays Nana

Category: News Release

What was your favourite #Magalufoaks moment?

It was when we first got our Jen back! We were all on the beach and she came running toward us, it was such a lovely moment and it was so real. There was a moment in which her and Cleo ran towards each other but missed and it was hilarious, we were in stitches.


What have you been up to in your time off from Hollyoaks?

I have been doing my own one woman show in London, called ‘Let There Be Langton!’ and ‘What I Did for Love’, it was great fun but I’m so happy to be back.


Does she approve of Russ?

She does now I think. At first she was horrified, but I think Nana is someone who doesn’t bare a grudge for long, one minute she’s going to kill them, and next she’s offering a cup of tea. I think she knows Mercy can give as bad as she gets.


How much fun did Nana have on her dating app?

It was hilarious, she thought she was going to meet this fab young looking, gorgeous bloke, but she was devastated when she saw who he really was. They ended up getting on really well and they even went to have sex on the beach … cocktails that is!


How was it filming in Majorca?

It was exotic and colourful and the Spanish vibrancy really helped us work. It was a stunning ambiance, and we just wanted to jump in the swimming pools all day!


How close is Nana to her family?

Very close, she would die for them, and it’s lovely that the McQueens are back together. I love that Magaluf is being focused on the McQueens as we all know each other so well, and we gel really fast. We work so well together and we are so in sync, it makes work full of joy and very natural.