A battle between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump for the White House moves one step closer as both candidates rack up more wins on the biggest day so far in the race for US presidential nominations.
Clinton swept the South, beating Bernie Sanders in seven states out of 11 contested states and bringing her closer to the nomination for Democratic candidate. Her victories included the delegate-rich states of Texas, Massachusetts and Virginia.
But Sanders was not cowed, winning his home state of Vermont along with success in Colorado, Minnesota and Oklahoma.
Similarly Trump won seven of 11 of the Republican votes, bolstering his chance of becoming the party’s candidate. Texas Senator Ted Cruz hung on in the race winning his home state, along with Oklahoma and Alaska.
Marco Rubio won his first win in Minnesota, but to stay in the race he is under massive pressure to win his home state of Florida in the next rounds of voting.
In a hoarse victory speech Clinton appeared to turn her focus to a potential Presidential race with Donald Trump, telling a rally in Miami: “I’m going to keep saying it: I believe what we need in America today is more love and kindness.
“The stakes have never been higher, the rhetoric we are hearing on the other side has never been lower.”
Trump took an uncharacteristically conciliatory tone, insisting that he was a “unifier” capable of bringing the whole Republican party along with him if he became the chosen candidate.
He insisted he had “expanded the Republican party” pointing to statistics that his campaign had brought out a higher turnout among a broad demographic of people.
Speaking in Florida he added: “Once we get all this finished, I’m going after one person – Hillary Clinton.”