
  • 2 Sep 2010

    Councils axe 100,000 planned homes in England

    Faisal Islam writes on how councils in England have scrapped plans to build 100,000 new homes following a change in the planning rules by Communities Secretary Eric Pickles.

  • 10 Aug 2010

    Pandora’s budget box contains a Japanese surprise

    George Osborne may have underestimated his ability to impact personally on the consciousness of the British people. After his ‘Emergency’ Budget in June, it appears the UK ran for the hills, cowering in fear at the looming axe man, writes Channel 4 News Economics Editor Faisal Islam.

  • 23 Mar 2010

    The visit to Washington this week by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu comes at a tense time in US-Israeli relations. Yet everyone will take great care to be extremely polite and try to say just the right thing.   It feels a bit like an awkward family gathering where no one dares mention a recent,…