Japan’s Fukushima plant undamaged after quake
Japan’s emergency agencies declare a tsunami warning as the US Geological Survery reports a magnitude 7.3 earthquake off Japan’s east coast.
First the earthquake, hitting 7.5 on the richter scale, and then the tsunami with waves up to 6 metres high struck the Indonesian coast. The city of Palu on the island of Sulawesi was devastated; homes, businesses and hospitals were flattened. Hundreds have been confirmed dead with hundreds more reported missing or injured.
Thousands of terrified tourists are being taken off the island of Lombok by boat after an earthquake destroyed roads, bridges and damaged huge numbers of buildings. At least 98 people were killed and over 200 injured, with thousands more now homeless.
An earthquake on New Zealand’s South Island has led to a tsunami which has struck coastal areas and led to evacuations on the Chatham islands some 400 miles away.
Thousands run out on to the streets of Kathmandu as another deadly earthquake rocks Nepal.
Japan’s emergency agencies declare a tsunami warning as the US Geological Survery reports a magnitude 7.3 earthquake off Japan’s east coast.
Jon has received a poignant letter from a European woman in Sendai. She describes a town where people leave their doors open and neighbours leave food for each other on porches; ‘a return to the good old days’.
Nine days after the tsunami devastated Japan, Alex Thomson meets a family who have travelled hundreds of miles to say farewell to a missing loved-one.
Five days on from the earthquake which shook Japan, Jon Snow looks back at the unimaginable human loss and the unbelievable invisible threat.
Walking the upturned streets of Ofunato in Japan, Alex Thomson paints a desolate scene of destruction in another day witnessing what he says is the worst disaster he has visited in his career.
What are the implications for nuclear power from the crisis in Japan? Jon Snow looks at the future.
No supplies, no petrol, no food – but no panic. The Japanese deal with their tsunami tragedy with silence and dignity, writes Alex Thomson.
The first tremor woke people up at 5.39am, but in this remote Tibetan region where most live at the mercy of the elements, few took much notice. Two hours later a huge earthquake, 7.1 on the Richter scale, ripped through Yushu county. According to the government, 85 per cent of houses were destroyed in the…
When I heard about the massive earthquake to hit Chile this morning, I felt like the wind had been punched out of me. Happening so soon after one devastated Haiti, the comparisons came thick and fast.
Alexandros Yiannopoulos is Oxfam’s coordinator of food security and livelihood in Haiti. To find out more about Oxfam in Haiti visit their website here. This is the first time I have tried to keep anything like a blog or diary, even though many of my friends have asked me to keep them up-to-date with my…
Channel 4 News producer Hannah Storm describes her car journey across the Dominican Republic towards earthquake-hit Haiti.