Headteachers to hold first strike ballot
The union representing thousands of headteachers and their deputies is to hold its first ballot on whether to strike in November over a dispute over reductions to their pensions.
1,500 ‘rogue’ landlords in England
There are nearly 1,500 “rogue” landlords in England, research by the housing charity Shelter shows.
Cornwall stops second home owners from voting
Cornwall Council is taking steps to stop second home owners from voting – the first county in Britain to do so.
Exclusive: 90 per cent of councils slashing bus subsidies
Most English local authorities are cutting subsidies to unprofitable bus routes in a move that threatens to leave pensioners out in the cold, Channel 4 News learns.
Lancashire council scraps rubbish collection
People in some rural parts of a Lancashire borough now have to remove their own rubbish, as the council tries to save money on bin rounds.
Dog-eat-dog world of charity funding
Why do some charities rely on government funding when others manage without? Channel 4 News speaks to organisations threatened with closure and charities which survive on public donations.
Thousands of charities face funding cuts
Thousands of charities and voluntary groups across England are facing cuts worth more than £100m, according to new figures, casting doubt on David Cameron’s vision for a Big Society.
Shropshire Council sacks all staff and offers pay cut deal
Dismissal letters have been sent to around 6,500 people employed by Shropshire council, who have been told they will be immediately rehired if they accept a 5.4 per cent pay cut.
Care sector needs regulation ‘like the banks’
The care sector, like the banking system, is in sore need of regulation if situations like that of operator Southern Cross are to be avoided, Saga’s Dr Ros Altmann tells Channel 4 News.
Cash crisis threat to 750 care homes
Care home provider Southern Cross cuts its rent payments by a third as the firm struggles to keep its 750 residential homes open for business.
Leaders trade last-minute blows before election showdown
David Cameron and Ed Miliband have clashed in the Commons for the last time ahead of elections across England, Wales and Scotland on Thursday.
‘Hoodies’ take youth centre funding fight to David Cameron
A group of teenagers fighting cuts to youth funding in and around David Cameron’s constituency tell Channel 4 News they are being “ignored”. The youngsters want the Prime Minister to intervene.
Richmond tops bill for council tax payments
New figures from the Communities Department confirm that the wealthier your area, the more likely you are to pay high council taxes and to receive less from central government.
Manchester: front line in the cuts blame game
The border between urban Manchester and leafy Trafford has become the front line in a fierce political battle over who’s to blame for cuts to local services. FactCheck gets to work.
Minister admits poorest areas will be hardest hit by cuts
In an exclusive interview with Channel 4 News, Housing Minister Grant Shapps has conceded that the poorest local authorities will suffer the most under Government spending cuts.