The disabled Afghanistan veteran bullied by his superiors
You may think, having lost both legs and an arm in Afghanistan, that a serving paratrooper determined to return to this regiment would be welcomed back as a hero. You may think so.
You may think, having lost both legs and an arm in Afghanistan, that a serving paratrooper determined to return to this regiment would be welcomed back as a hero. You may think so.
Matters in the Court Martial for the trial of SAS sniper Danny Nightingale were not without their lighter moments on Thursday, as the defence counsel introduced a 9mm glock pistol to the court martial.
Wattisham Flying Station in the rolling fields and hedges of Suffolk – green beyond belief for army aircrews returning from Afghanistan here, as they did this weekend. The army insists today’s media visit to film Apache helicopters here has nothing to do with mounting speculation that these aircraft will soon be blowing things up in Libya.
The last US combat brigade has left Iraq, pulling troops out of the country two weeks earlier than President Obama’s deadline. Channel 4 News’s Tim Lambon, who was there the day US forces rolled into Baghdad, looks at the rapid drawdown, and Iraq’s uncertain future.
Some TV news channels will no doubt present the current Operation Tor Shezada (Black Prince), in southern Afghanistan in the same, ludicrous fashion as they reported Operation Moshtarak earlier in the year in Helmand. Or Operation Panther’s Claw before that.
Nick Paton Walsh is currently embedded with the US Army in southern Afghanistan. We all heard the boom, but didn’t know what it had done. An hour later, it was clear from the sullen faces in the base headquarters, it had meant the worst. The skyline around the 82nd Airborne’s base, COP Winklemann, is a…
If there were an internet cafe at the gates of hell, it might sound a little like the MWR on Forward Operating Base (FOB) Bostick. There is a quiet panic that seeps out in the silence, between the clatter of keyboards and the occasional snippet over IP telephones. A military base’s entire emotional complex sent…