28 Jan 2010

Iraq inquiry: your questions for Tony Blair

The Iraq Inquiry Blogger selects some of the best Tweets suggesting questions that should be put to former prime minister Tony Blair when he gives evidence.

Former Prime Minister Tony Blair gives evidence to the Inquiry from 09h30 on Friday (as you might just already be aware). We asked twitter.com/iraqinquiryblog followers what they would like to see Blair asked.

Here are a selection of your replies.

DesmondBrambley: Why did you persist with an illegal invasion of a sovereign state.

shan_439: as a iraqi!I just wan2 ask him that if he regret he’s decision to invade my country and can he admit that G bush drage him.

SteveHynd: Mr. Brown, would you like to tell us what’s happening in this picture? http://trunc.it/4yfg2

samedney: What advice did god give you, how did he give it, and did you take it on board?

GaeMar01: what did you EXPECT to PERSONALLY GAIN from lying to the UK and going to war? What did you gain?

Quietzapple: Had the Allies Not invaded & deposed Saddam how far would he now b with which WMD programmes he said he would have pursued?

JonCG_novelist: Given advances in technology, do you find it easier to wash blood from your hands than your compatriot Lady Macbeth did?

AspenDew: I would ask Blair this: Why did you lie the country into war? What was your reward, and from whom?

dresden01: When did Blair realise there were no WMD in Iraq? Did he think to tell the public he had changed his mind?

Pocketinfonet: How will you get out of this one Teflon Tony?

StuARe: Did you make sure we got a good share of the oil?