3 Feb 2010

Iraq inquiry: focus turns to the MoD and a special envoy

The Channel 4 News Iraq Inquiry blogger looks ahead to the day’s evidence.

Hard to say exactly what today’s highlight will be as we’ll be hearing consecutively from three different witnesses.

Sir Kevin Tebbit returns for a brief spin to round off evidence about his period as MoD Permanent Secretary 2001-05.

Dr John Reid has served many different government briefs but attends today as Secretary of State for Defence 2005-06, effectively completing our MoD card-hand after Geoff Hoon, John Hutton & Des Browne.

And Ann Clywd worked as the prime minister’s (or rather prime ministers’) special envoy to Iraq from 2003-09.

An early start, evidence from 9am, with live tweets at www.twitter.com/iraqinquiryblog from then. See you on the other side.