Local councils are facing tough budget cuts. But could they sell off some of their 11,000 acres of land to cope? Channel 4’s Dispatches investigates how much land your local council owns.
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This map shows brownfield land that local councils in England owned in 2008 and could be sold for development.
ScraperWiki made this map using information gathered by the Homes & Communities Agency from local councils. The full dataset is called the National Land Use Database.
(Did you find the way we presented this information useful? How could it be improved? Do you have anything to tell us about your local brownfields sites? Tell ScraperWiki here.)
Employment | Housing | Open space | Retail | Mixed | None | Other |
var sourcescraper = “nlud_2008”;
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function codeAddress(address) {
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if (map.getZoom() > 14)
// hide the details display, as won’t be valid
$(“#nluddetails”).text(“Click on an icon on the map to find out about that brownfield site.”);
} else {
alert(“Place not found, please try again. Enter a town or a postcode. Reason: ” + status);
var nwdata = [ ];
var markers = [ ];
var icon1 = ‘http://chart.apis.google.com/chart?chst=d_map_pin_letter&chld=O|0f0|000’;
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// Move randomly a bit, as the marker clustering code will otherwise never
// disaggregate two properties at the same postcode.
// DISABLED: moves them too much, and there aren’t many anyway
var rand1 = 0; //(Math.floor(Math.random()*10001) – 5000) / 1000000;
var rand2 = 0; //(Math.floor(Math.random()*10001) – 5000) / 1000000;
var pos = new google.maps.LatLng(lat + rand1, lng + rand2);
//var pos = new google.maps.LatLng(lat, lng, col);
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// from http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1990512/add-comma-to-numbers-every-three-digits-using-jquery
function addCommas(nStr) {
nStr += ”;
x = nStr.split(‘.’);
x1 = x[0];
x2 = x.length > 1 ? ‘.’ + x[1] : ”;
var rgx = /(d+)(d{3})/;
while (rgx.test(x1)) {
x1 = x1.replace(rgx, ‘$1’ + ‘,’ + ‘$2’);
return x1 + x2;
// from http://stackoverflow.com/questions/487073/jquery-check-if-element-is-visible-after-scroling
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// fix some grammar :) services and "used for" buildings just are.
function isUsedFor(s) {
if (s == 'education') return ' used for';
if (s == 'manufacturing') return ' used for';
if (s == 'indoor sports facilities') return ' used for';
if (s == 'community services') return ' used for';
if (s == 'industry and business') return ' used for';
if (s == 'refuse disposal') return ' used for';
if (s == 'recreation and leisure') return ' used for';
if (s == 'medical and health care services') return ' used for';
if (s == 'outdoor amenity and open space') return ' used for';
if (s == 'retail') return ' used for';
if (s == 'wholesale distribution') return ' used for';
if (s == 'energy production and distribution') return ' used for';
if (s == 'storage') return ' used for';
if (s == 'transport') return ' used for';
if (s == 'vehicle storage') return ' used for';
if (s == 'agriculture') return ' used for';
if (s == 'agriculture and fisheries') return ' used for';
if (s == 'water storage and treatment') return ' used for';
if (s == 'unspecified use') return ' of';
return '';
function readdata()
for (var inwd = 0; inwd < nwdata.length; ++inwd) {
var nwd = nwdata[inwd];
nwd[6] = $.trim(nwd[6].toLowerCase());
nwd[7] = $.trim(nwd[7].toLowerCase());
nwd[8] = $.trim(nwd[8].toLowerCase());
col = '0f0';
if (nwd[2] == 'Private')
col = 'd0d';
html = '
html += ‘‘ + nwd[12] + ‘ own this brownfield land.
if (nwd[8] == nwd[7]) {
html += ‘This site was and is ‘ + isUsedFor(nwd[7]) + ‘ ‘ + nwd[7] + ‘.’
} else {
if (nwd[8] == “don’t know” || nwd[8] == “unknown” || nwd[8] == “unspecified use”) {
html += ‘This site ‘;
} else {
html += ‘This site was ‘ + isUsedFor(nwd[8]) + ‘ ‘ + nwd[8] + ‘ and ‘
if (nwd[7] == “”) {
html += ‘is now of unknown use.’
} else {
html += ‘is now ‘ + isUsedFor(nwd[7]) + ‘ ‘ + nwd[7] + ‘.’
if (nwd[6] == ‘none’) {
html += ‘ There is no proposed use.’
} else {
if (nwd[6] == ‘mixed’ || nwd[6] == ‘other’) {
html += ‘ It is proposed for ‘ + nwd[6] + ‘ use.’
} else if (nwd[6] == ‘mixed with housing’) {
html += ‘ It is proposed for mixed use with housing.’
} else if (nwd[6] == ‘mixed without housing’) {
html += ‘ It is proposed for mixed use without housing.’
} else {
html += ‘ It is proposed that it is used for ‘ + nwd[6] + ‘.’
if (nwd[10] == ‘None’) {
html += ‘ No planning permission.’;
} else {
pp = nwd[10].replace(‘PP ‘, ”).toLowerCase();
pp = pp.replace(‘ planning permission’, ”);
html += ‘ Planning permission is ‘ + pp + ‘.’;
if (nwd[9] > 0.0) {
var houseprice = 160000;
if (nwd[13] == ‘East Midlands’) houseprice = 135000;
if (nwd[13] == ‘East of England’) houseprice = 175000;
if (nwd[13] == ‘London’) houseprice = 250000;
if (nwd[13] == ‘North East’) houseprice = 120000;
if (nwd[13] == ‘North West’) houseprice = 130000;
if (nwd[13] == ‘South East’) houseprice = 203000;
if (nwd[13] == ‘South West’) houseprice = 175000;
if (nwd[13] == ‘West Midlands’) houseprice = 142000;
if (nwd[13] == ‘Yorkshire and Humberside’) houseprice = 130000;
html += ‘
A developer could build an estimated ‘ + nwd[9] + ‘ homes here, selling for £’ + addCommas(houseprice * nwd[9]) + ‘ (if they were at £’ + addCommas(houseprice) + ‘ per home, the median ‘ + nwd[13] + ‘ price).’
if (nwd[11] != ”) {
html += ‘
General site information: ‘ + nwd[11] + ”;
html += ”;
// Icons from http://code.google.com/p/google-maps-icons/
var icon_home = ‘http://google-maps-icons.googlecode.com/files/’;
var icon;
if (nwd[6] == ’employment’) icon = ‘workoffice.png’;
if (nwd[6] == ‘housing’) icon = ‘home.png’;
if (nwd[6] == ‘mixed’) icon = ‘realestate.png’;
if (nwd[6] == ‘mixed with housing’) icon = ‘home.png’;
if (nwd[6] == ‘mixed without housing’) icon = ‘realestate.png’;
if (nwd[6] == ‘none’) icon = ‘museum-science.png’;
if (nwd[6] == ‘open space’) icon = ‘park.png’;
if (nwd[6] == ‘other’) icon = ‘info.png’;
if (nwd[6] == ‘retail’) icon = ‘supermarket.png’;
putpin(nwd[0], nwd[1], col, html, icon_home + icon);
//$(this).css(“background”, “#aaa”);
// use a live query
//var sqlselect = “select latlng_lat, latlng_lng, Owner, SAO_DESCRIPTION, PAO_DESCRIPTION, STREET_DESCRIPTION, `proposed use`, `Current use`, `Previous use`, EST_HOUSING_CAPACITY, `Planning status`, GENERAL_SITE_INFORMATION, `Admin name`, Region from swdata where Owner = ‘Local Authority'”;
//var aurl = “http://api.scraperwiki.com/api/1.0/datastore/sqlite”;
//var jsonpCallback = null;
// use a static file
var sqlselect = “”;
var aurl = “http://media.scraperwiki.com/clients/dispatches/nlud_2008_local_authority_brownfield.json”;
var jsonpCallback = “jsonpbrownfield”;
$.ajax({url:aurl, dataType: “jsonp”, jsonpCallback: jsonpCallback, data:{name:sourcescraper, query:sqlselect}, success:function(data)
nwdata = data[0].data;
markerClusterer = new MarkerClusterer(map, markers, {gridSize:30, maxZoom: 8});
$(“#nluddetails”).text(“Click on an icon on the map to find out about that brownfield site.”);
What land could your council sell?
The map above shows brownfield land that local councils in England owned in 2008 and could be sold for development.
ScraperWiki made this map using information gathered by the Homes & Communities Agency from local councils. The full dataset is called the National Land Use Database.
Local authorities across the UK own 11,331 acres in total. To put that in context, that amount of land has the capacity for more than 87,000 houses, which could be worth more than £13.4bn.
In light of the tough spending settlements councils are facing – with an average cut in their budgets of 8.9 per cent – could it be the time to sell off some of this land and reap the rewards?
The assets can only be sold once so councils need to make sure they get the best possible price. Local Government Association’s Richard Kemp
Channel 4 Dispatches has taken a look at the land owned by councils and tonight Krishnan Guru-Murthy will host a debate on whether they should sell some of their assets to cope with spending cuts.
Dispatches has also looked into the assets owned by central Government – from Buckingham Palace to Stonehenge – and whether these could be sold to pay down the national debt.
But it’s not as easy as all that, some critics say.
Local Government Association Vice Chairman, Richard Kemp, told Channel 4 News: “Town halls need to treat their assets as investments. They can only be sold once so councils need to make sure they get the best possible price.
“The cash from the sale of a building or land can be put to good use but there may be better value for residents in holding onto the property. In a lot of ways councils should look at this issue through the eyes of the private sector. Is maintaining a property costing more than the potential returns? Can a brownfield site be developed and sold down the line for a greater profit? It’s about weighing the costs against potential returns.”
Should local councils sell their land? Tell us what you think on Twitter @channel4news or on Facebook