11 Dec 2009

Tiger Tiger burning bright, in the forests of the night

What is it with golf? I thought it was supposed to be a sedentary game played by dull men old before their time. Much of the game appeared to be spent in golf carts with underplayed caddies carrying the sticks.

Not a bit of it. If Tiger’s splendid work for the game is to be believed (senior golfers have today come out praising him for all he’s done after suggestions he might quit) then the sport is altogether racier. TV only picks him up as he’s about to plonk the ball into another hole.

But it seems whilst others cruise about in their buggies, the greatest golfer in the world races off for another assignation in the woods. If that’s why he is called Woods, why is he called Tiger? Well I guess it is obvious, because he clearly IS a bit of a tiger.

How much of a tiger seems to be in dispute. But no wonder his commercial backers and those for whom he toils, are so reluctant to let him go.

Now they have not only an African American who has transformed the game of golf, but a golfer who has finally proved that the sport is very far from being second only to motor racing as the dullest sport in the world.



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