8 May 2010

Protesters descend on Lib Dem meeting

Bit coals to Newcastle this it might seem! Fair Votes Now campaigners are besieging the Lib Dem meeting in Transport House.

I didn’t think it could get more bizarre after the arrivals had to criss-cross Morris Dancers on the way in. But amongst the demonstrators, which includes Greens, Marxists and others – found Lib Dems who think a sell-out is going on in the power-sharing talks.

Mr Clegg couldn’t get out the front door to make a statement as planned…maybe he will have to be choppered Hanoi style from the roof to avoid demonstrators supporting his party policy.

The Tories have been calling senior “opinion formers” and backbenchers to check they’re ok with developments so far in negotiations.

There’s a meeting of the Tory MPs now rushed into the diary for 6pm Monday.

I don’t sense the Tories’ talked of deadline of Monday is sure to be reached but the mutterings from Tories unhappy with all this are not out of control yet.

Tweets by @garygibbonc4