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EU to remove stand-by button?

By Channel 4 News

Updated on 19 October 2006

New EU regulations could force manufacturers to stop our TVs and appliances being left on standby.


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Did you leave your television or set top box on standby when you went to bed last night?

In spite of record high energy prices and increasing environmental concerns - Europe continues to waste a massive 20% of its energy.

This morning the European Commission revealed its latest energy efficiency action plan to reduce wastage by 2020. Getting us to stop the blinking light on our TV sets is one of their main priorities.

Environmental groups say stopping standby on household appliances would reduce the need for one nuclear power station - but voluntary initiatives have failed to take off, so should the EU now force the issue on the use of new manufacturing technology?

Mike Childs from Friends of the Earth and Laurence Harrison from the trade body Intellect joined us in the studio to discuss the issue.

Related links >>Feeling the heat
>>Saving 20% by 2020: European Commission unveils its Action Plan on Energy Efficiency

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