7 Sep 2015

BBC to share resources with rivals

The corporation will work together with other media and cultural institutions as part of a drive to create a more “open BBC”, director general Lord Hall says.

Lord Hall (Getty)

Lord Hall said that in future, the BBC would “set aside licence fee funding to invest in a service that reports on councils, courts and public services” and the reporting could be shared with rivals like local newspapers.

Other proposals include launching a children’s iPlayer, and putting whole series online at once so audiences used to boxed sets and downloads have the option of “binge-watching”.

There will also be a new “ideas service” hosting content from cultural institutions like the British Museum, the Royal Shakespeare Company and the Edinburgh Festival alongside BBC content.

The director general’s speech at the Science Museum is part of the BBC’s response to the government’s review of its royal charter.

Culture Secretary John Whittingdale has announced consultations on the future of licence fee funding for the BBC, and the corporation has already agreed to shoulder cuts worth about a fifth of its current annual income.

We will inevitably have to either close or reduce some services. Lord Hall

Lord Hall said: “The BBC faces a very tough financial challenge. So we will have to manage our resources ever more carefully and prioritise what we believe the BBC should offer,” he said.

“We will inevitably have to either close or reduce some services.”

He added: “We will never give up our role in reporting the whole of the UK back to itself, but we also have to recognise that news in some parts of the country simply does not apply to others.”

The idea of the BBC sharing journalistic resources with rival news organisations comes after complaints from critics who say that the corporation enjoys an unfair advantage over competitors like local newspapers.

Lord Hall said: “For the next 10 years, we will need to ride two horses – serving those who have adopted the internet and mobile media, while at the same time making sure that those who want to carry on watching and listening to traditional channels continue to be properly served too.

We want to open the BBC to be Britain’s creative partner, to become a platform – a catalyst for this country’s incredible talent. Lord Hall

“This is where the idea of an open BBC for the internet age comes from. In the internet age our mission is simple: great British programmes and a trusted guide for every one of us.

“We want to take all the opportunities the internet creates to inform, educate and entertain in new ways. And to that traditional mission we would add a fourth imperative: to enable others to do that too.

“We want to open the BBC to be Britain’s creative partner, to become a platform – a catalyst for this country’s incredible talent.

“We intend to put our technology and digital capabilities at the service of our partners and the wider industry – bringing us closer together for the good of the country – to deliver the very best to audiences.”