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Kenya drought threatens humanitarian crisis

By Channel 4 News

Updated on 12 October 2009

Kenya faces its worst drought for more than a decade, with crops and livestock destroyed. Will people in the north of the country become among the first victims of climate change? Lindsey Hilsum reports.

Kenya (Credit: Reuters)

Kenya relies on hydroelectric power, but its electricity is now being rationed as the dams dry up.

In rural areas to the north, children are becoming malnourished because there is no milk or meat.

But ahead of the UN's climate change summit in Copenhagen, many believe this is more than an immediate humanitarian crisis.

Scientists claim this part of Africa can expect more extreme weather events - both drought and flood.

Our international editor Lindsey Hilsum travelled from the Kenyan capital Nairobi to Laisamis, and west through the semi-desert to Baragoi and Maralal, to report on people who could be amongst the first victims of climate change. You can see a picture gallery of the Kenya drought here.

Her report contains images some viewers may find distressing.

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